When perusing the list of new titles please be aware that the title links go to the library catalog record with location and availability information. The books cover images are links to reviews and more information about the title. Some titles do not have cover images so only a link appears in the list. These are newly received or processed titles ordered by the Art & Design Department faculty and library liaison, or the Communication Design MFA program faculty and library liaison. Enjoy!
Active literature : Jan Tschichold and new typography / Christopher Burke.
All his jazz : the life & death of Bob Fosse / Martin Gottfried.
American animated cartoons of the Vietnam era : a study of social commentary in films and / Christopher P. Lehman.
Body of war / [videorecording] / Phil Donahue and Mobilus Media present a film by Phil Donahue and Ellen
Book of hours / illuminations by Simon Marmion ; with an introduction and commentary by James Thorpe.
Brancusi's Endless column ensemble : Târgu Jiu, Romania / essays by Sorana Georgescu-Gorjan ... [et al.] ; edited by Ernest Beck.
California Mediterranean / photography by Melba Levick ; text by Marc Appleton.
Camille Fauré : Limoges Art Deco enamels : the geometry of joy / Alberto Shayo.
Candice Breitz : exposición múltiple = multiple exposure / [editor, Octavio Zaya ; essays, Jessica Morgan, Octavio Zaya].
The changing face of childhood : British children's portrait and their influence in Europ / edited by Mirjam Neumeister ; Dulwich Picture Gallery, Städel Museum ; [English translation]
A childhood memory by Piero della Francesca / Hubert Damisch ; translated by John Goodman.
China : contemporary painting / Lorenzo Sassoli de Bianchi.
Cinco llaves del mundo secreto de Remedios Varo / Alberto Ruy Sánchez ... [et al., autores] ; Margarita de Orellana, edición or Five keys to the secret world of Remedios Varo / Alberto Ruy Sánchez ... [et al., authors] ; editor, Margarita de Orellana
The Clark brothers collect : impressionist and early modern paintings / Michael Conforti ... [et al.] ; with additional contributions by Daniel Cohen-McFall
The collectible moment : catalogue of photographs in the Norton Simon Museum / Gloria Williams Sander, editor ; essays by Therese Mulligan, Gloria Williams Sander
Colonial modernities : building, dwelling and architecture in British India and Ceylon / edited by Peter Scriver and Vikramaditya Prakash.
Comic abstraction : image breaking, image making / Roxana Marcoci.
Dead history, live art? : spectacle, subjectivity and subversion in visual culture since / edited by Jonathan Harris. Designing for interaction : creating smart applications and clever devices / Dan Saffer.
Designing the seaside : architecture, society and nature / Fred Gray.
Duane Hanson : sculptures of the American dream / edited by Thomas Buchsteiner and Otto Letze. Edward Hopper : light and dark / Gerry Souter.
The essential Neruda : selected poems / edited by Mark Eisner ; translated by Mark Eisner ... [et al.].
Ghosts in the landscape : Vietnam revisited / photographs by Craig J. Barber, essay by Alison Devine Nordström
Great escapes around the world / edited by Angelika Taschen. GRR30 : Urban recordings / Ingo Giezendanner.
Harry and me, 1950-1960 : the familiy years / Niki de Saint Phalle.
I'd rather be in the studio! : the artist's no-excuse guide to self-promotion / Alyson B. Stanfield.
Jeremy Blake : Winchester / Benjamin Weil, Mitchell Schwarzer, Jeremy Blake.
José Guadalupe Posada : illustrator of chapbooks / written by Mercurio López Casillas ; [translator, Gregory Dechant].
Julie Speidel / [foreword by Elizabeth A. Brown ; with an interview by Clare Henry].
Learn to draw : volume one / by John Lurie.
A life on paper : the drawings and lithographs of John Thomas Biggers / Olive Jensen Theisen.
Life's pleasures : the Ashcan artists' brush with leisure, 1895-1925 / James W. Tottis ... [et al.] with contributions from Michael E. Crane and Kirsten Olds.
Das literarische Werk. / Herausgegben von Friedhelm Lach.
Louis Comfort Tiffany and Laurelton Hall : an artist's country estate / Alice Cooney Frelinghuysen ; with contributions by Elizabeth Hutchinson ... [et al.].
Making art history : a changing discipline and its institutions / edited by Elizabeth C. Mansfield.
The manual of strategic planning for museums / Gail Dexter Lord And Kate Markert.
Mary Kelly / Margaret Iversen, Douglas Crimp, Homi K. Bhabha.
Masters of the comic book universe revealed! / Arie Kaplan.
Michelangelo and the human dignity : an anthropological reading of the Sistine frescoes / Kleetus K. Varghese.
Modern art : a very short introduction / David Cottington.
Nancy Spero / Jon Bird, Jo Anna Isaak and Sylvère Lotringer.
Not built in a day : exploring the architecture of Rome / George H. Sullivan.
Only in America : one hundred paintings in American museums unmatched in European collect / Pierre Rosenberg.
Optic nerve : perceptual art of the 1960s / Joe Houston ; introduction by Dave Hickey.
Painted enamels : an illustrated survey 1500-1920 / Erika Speel.
Paolo Veronese : piety and display in an age of religious reform / Richard Cocke.
Piero della Francesca / preface by Oreste del Buono ; [translation, Anne Ellis Ruzzante].
Please listen I have something to tell you about what is / by Chris Johanson ; introduction, Aaron Rose ; texts, Sean Kennerly, Jack Hanley.
Pop art and vernacular cultures / edited by Kobena Mercer.
Portraits of a people : picturing African Americans in the nineteenth century / Gwendolyn DuBois Shaw ; contributions by Emily K. Shubert.
Pressed in time : American prints, 1905-1950 / Jessica Todd Smith and Kevin M. Murphy.
Real-time rendering / Tomas Akenine-Möller, Eric Haines, Naty Hoffman.
Selling Shaker : the commodification of Shaker design in the twentieth century / Stephen Bowe and Peter Richmond. Surreal people : surrealism and collaboration / Alexander Klar.
Tabaimo / [édition, Sophie Perceval ; traduction français/japonais, Nanae Yuyama
The triumph of Eros : art and seduction in 18th-century France.
Visite(e) : Werke aus der Sammlung Zeitgenössischer Kunst der Bundesrepublik Deutschland / Herausgeber: Der Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien
What is web design? / Nico Macdonald.
Women in Impressionism : from mythical feminine to modern woman / edited by Sidsel Maria Søndergaard ; with contributions by Susan Strauber ... [et al.].
Wonderland / Rochelle Steiner ; with contributions by Giuliana Bruno ... [et al.].
Years of friendship, 1944-1956 : the correspondence of Lyonel Feininger and Mark Tobey / edited by Achim Moeller.
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