Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Nifty ARTStor tips

Hello. I wanted to share a few tips that I thought were very interesting from the ARTstor workshop that we had in the library a couple of weeks ago.
  • ARTstor has thousands of Quick Time Virtual Reality (QVTR) images of many famous art and architecture sites around the world. The QVTRs let you zoom in as well as go 360 degrees from in front af the work. You can even 180 degress up and down. You will have to try it to see.
  • You can browse all the QVTRs by doing a basic search for QVTR or you can do an advanced search and use QVTR as one search term and then put the art or artist you are searching for in the next search field, such as Parthenon. When your results come up click on the QVTR link to see it rather than the image.
Click on image for bigger version

  • Another useful tip I learned was that you can search for images with with the keyword IAP to get "Images for Academic Publishing". You can do an advanced search with "IAP" in one search field and your art, architecture or artist keyword in the next search field. You can use these images for blogs or other published material.
  • The other cool thing I learned was that you if you are searching for articles about art/artists in JSTOR you can access images from ARTstor that relate to that article with the tab in JSTOR that says Images in ARTstor.
Click on image for bigger version

Hope you enjoyed these useful tips! Have a good one. Tara

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